My friend Meri and I have come up with a term for massively obese people we encounter. We refer to these folks as "candidates". Now, let me be clear- we don't mean any disrespect by this observation, as we were both "candidates" until just over a year ago. Some of these candidates are people we know, and others are total strangers. But the one thing you all have in common is that we notice you. Hell, the whole world notices you when you are overweight. I was overweight for my entire life. I know.
The thing is though, is that we know what these people are currently experiencing in their lives! We know how much pain they are experiencing, in their feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back! We know the medical issues that accompany many of their lives, such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, among others. We know first hand the debilitating negative impact that obesity has on living a normal, healthy, and happy life. Obesity saps your energy level, impacting relationships with family, friends, and work. Obesity limits the things people are able to do. It is difficult to fit into an airline seat, it is difficult to sit in a booth at a restaurant, and it is uncomfortable to drive in most cars, just to name a few limitations. We also are acutely aware that you don't see very many old, fat people. Obesity is a killer.
I often find myself tempted to approach these candidates, grab them by the shirt, look them in the eye, and tell them that I know the secret to changing their lives!
I have actually had the chance to speak to several people about the journey that I have traveled. Some of them have started to further explore the same path as me, while others have continued to go it alone, through diet and exercise. And honestly, either way is fine. Surgery should be a last resort, after diet and exercise has failed to work. People who struggle with their weight might be at all different places in their personal journey to better health. I completely get that. It took me many, many years, and all kinds of yo-yo diets and exercise plans before I finally decided to have the gastric bypass.
What irritates me are the people who are obviously ignoring their weight issue, when they could be living a better life! I have met MANY people who I know would be thrilled to help currently obese people through the long process of weight loss surgery. I WANT to help people get to a healthier place in their life.
But I also know that weight is a very private issue with many people. I would never want someone to be embarrassed by my speaking with them. When each person is ready, they will do what they need to do to get healthy. My fear is that they will choose to make this decision too late. So it sure seems like a balancing act.
And while it is far from easy, it is something that CAN be achieved, if the program is followed! So candidates, please come talk to me, or Meri, or anyone who has had this surgery and been successful. We want to help in more ways than you know! And we will be so happy to help you do what we have done!
Just ask.
well said George! :)
ReplyDeleteI concur